Walk away/to




A journal(blogging?) page. I'm not sure if it'll all make sense but have fun (↼_↼) (⇁་།↽)
say it all 3x fast i dare you

I drew today. My sona????
That's just me with lighter hair!

15:12 24-2-2015

Need to,,, need???? to get a life
stop stalking people over the internet,,,,

22:40 21-02-2015

So recently I managed to scored an old-ish Fujifilm camera for 10 bucks at a charity shop. That was pretty
awesome . I kinda assumed the picture quality had a good chance of being actual ass since its an 08 camera
I think but its actually pretty good and I'd say on par with my Canon Ixus model from like 5/7 years ago.
the settings are honestly easier to navigate than my Canon and the
photos here come out pretty nicely too. The only real issues" so-called is the fact that it requires AA
batteries which aren't really rechargable or soething so I'll have to buy new ones here and there, added
with the fact that unless the battery is real low it doesn't tell me how much I have left. The only other
thing I can really think of is the fact that sice it is an 08 camera compared to my canon one the screen is
more?? pixelly I guess so its a little harder to tell if photos have come out as clearly as I like until I
plug it into a computer, but I think after using it for a bit longer I'll be able to tell better lol.

some photos from my new camera,,
Right now I'm on a one-week break from school and I'm kinda suprised that my dad hasn't really been telling
me to revise and stuff but that might be because this is a shorter break or the fact that I was revising a
lot for a Spanish test I had on the last day of semester I think I did pretty well on it but they
managed to leak all of the test answers like the day before we were meant to sit ours???? I have no idea
how but the same thing happened last year and it was really funny then too. I didn't really try in the 1st
and second years I've been here in Spanish and stuff but since the start of this school year I've been
trying to catch up and actually study like I've meant to be doing. I'd say with how things are meant to be
I' going pretty well other than needing to revise tenses and word endings a little bit more. Our German
teacher randomly sprung a writing assignment test on us a few days ago and the entire time I was thinking
about how I knew how to write the entire thing in Spanish,,,,
weirdly enough in our Spanish tests when theres like the reading, answering questions and then translation
sometimes they'll have this "optional writing task" at the end which isn't actually optional but they don't
tell us that until someone asks???? The only thing I couldn't really do for that was the future tense so ig
that's also on the list of stuff I gotta study,,

14:50 20-2-2015

Its been a while!!!! I've had a very interesting time overall. Yestrday me and Sal went to
town centre because i was gonna ask if we could go to the park after school but there wasn't
enought time 4 that so we went and took photos of pidgeons instead lol.
He took a photo of the photos I was taking 2 send 2 Cat iirc,,
Er. I slightly forgot what I was writing but we did that for a bit and then went back to putting
Craig stickers aroud Town Centre lol. I'll add to this part later whn I remember what I was
going to write....

So aside from that,,, on Monday a girl in 9th grade from my school went missing (◎_◎). She was
found a few hours later but holy shit that was something,,, I'm pretty sure she's safe now and
at home if not school. I have no clue what happened tbh. In other news,, a girl from my class is
the evilest 13 year old I have ever known. So thats. Okay I mean I knew she was racist and..
strange in a bad way. I mean strange in the way where she would probably excuse war crimes.Probs
a kinda bad way of explaining it but yk what I mean (ᓀ ᓀ) ∑(O_O;) . Anyways so I found out she's
way worse than I thought!. Sigh.
(write about the car thiung)(andother stuff)(like last student productionadn goingnext year)


First post of the new year here. Hai
We did go ice skating at Westfield and it was,,,, something
I kept falling and eating shit I can't skate maybe I should've realised
that something like that would have happened since I haven't skated since
I was literally 9 but its still slightly embarassing. Overall it was fun
Wasn't so awkward at first when we met up with him at the station so
that was nice.
When we were having food he went to go get something from the shop we were
in adn he came back with a pack of ramen and like,,, I can't remember the
name right now for the life of my but the Japanese candy that has similair
packaging to hi-chew or something.
That was the only day of the winter/christmas break where he was actually
in England so we didn't get to meet up during it after that (broken heart)
O well.
Since I can't remember the rest of what I was gonna write, In different
news my English class is covering Frankenstein. Oh I remembered actually
So just before Christmas break I thought it would be fun to make new years
cards except the only person I wanted to do one for was Sal and I realised
that he would be out of the country so I just left it and forgot lol.
I should probably get more friends.
I have him, the twins, Mili, Seb and Wren. But also he's the only one I
usually talk to outisde of school. I talk to Urvi,,,, sometimes.
I had a lot to say and I've forgotten it all lol. Idk, in tec we're doing
cooking now and we made this Italian bread today. I was talking to Sal
before school and I asked if he wanted some since I was baking it just b4
morning break. And I was looking for him near the canteen because thats
where he usually is at break. Because I always turn around and get
terrified by seeing him.
ANyways I was looking to see if he was maybe in the canteen already by
seeing if his bag was where he usually puts it but then I saw him and
his friend and I ,,,, guess I got spooked or something andwalked towards my
bag. Even tho I wrapped the bread and it was in my pocket lol. okay then.

I saw him and his friend like walking into teh canteen throught the exit/
back door and I was going to follow them to give him the bread until I saw
them going in lol. I can't remember what happened after that but then like
I went to go find someone I know and found Wren. I asked if they could come
with me adn they said yea so we went to go find Sal.
I figured he'd be at the tp block or quad because thats where he ususlly
seems to be at break when he's not in the canteen area iirc and we got to
the tp block thingy at the bit by the tec entrance and saw him and Devin
so we went to follow them but then we went by the languages block and all
the mud that coes with that and since there's construction going on the path
was slimer and I finally caught up to him and .very Lightly hit him on the
back with the bread.
"How long have you been following me????"
I don't know you tell me
I just thought this was kinda funny that's all
I had something else to like write abt but I forgot and I've been writing
this for two days,,,, don't ask hahah

Sorry if its a little confusing or disjointed!!!!

20:45 9-1-2015

I just found the entirety of TD in high quality this is beautiful

23:44 21-12-2014

We WERE meant to go ice skating last Saturday,, the 7th of DEcember. But NO the weather in this
godforsaked country made it get CANCELLED by the WEstfield. Hisss. Better safe than sorry but I
did think that we wouldn't be able to go until next year for a little bit. Ahhhh .
However, since we're breaking up from school on a Thursday for some reason instead of a Friday
that means we could just go the day after we break off lol. So nice,,,,. Happy that we can still
go lol. I'm really happy about that. Hahahah.

18:36 Monday 9-12-2014

In a textilse/ Home ec class right now but the teacher is out sick so we are in a computer room.
Listening to 3 Cheers,,,, Started on yknow what they do to guys like us in prison and am on,,
Jetset life . Have to make a one page poster on a dying technique. Decided to go with Shibori. Am
meant to do this on PPT but I find Publisher way easier to use lol

14:11 Monday 9th December

I was reading a bizzare fan translation online of 残疾暴君的掌心鱼宠 and there are some,
interesting! word choices. and just. Its strange. Its so bizzare oh my god I could barely
tell what was going on half the time imagine having this as your first reading experience
I'm crying this is so funny
" Retribution is coming, 嘤嘤嘤, the fish really want to doi! "
Beautiful wordplay

8-12--2014 13:08

Thank you Laura B from 2013 for the annotations. Greatly appreciated

8-12-2014 12:58


6th December

Last week we went to Westfield(?) because,,, hm. Idk I wanted to. Ichiba(?) has/had a Miffy
collaboration on and also Kiko Milano had a black Friday thing where 3 3 free. Uwaaaaaaaaah
We went earlier so Kiko would be more empty so I'd be able to actully look and get what I
want. I got 2 lipglosses(it says lip oil but,,,,,, same to me), a small eyeshadow pallate
, eyeliner and two eyeshadow sticks. I like blue eyeshadow and the pallate some of those.
it also had shiny stuff. There's a Korean beauty store and last time we went there there
were too many people to actully look and it just kinda felt uncomfotable to try and stand
there and figure out what I wanted to get and it was hot so we just left. This time I got
what I was looking at last time. Its on my desk right now, the bottle says "lip potion" and
I'm not sure what its actually meant to mean. The smell is kinda chemical to me and smells
a little like paint lol. I tried to wear it properly yesterday before school and I realised
that if I dont blend the edges(?) it just kinda looks like paint on my lips. Hahahah.
Orange is my color when it comes to lip products, it matches skin more naturally than pinks
do and also it just,,,, looks better, specifically red~orange colors.
WE went to HMV and I saw some Monster High shirts that I liked . There was one for the four
core ghouls and then seperate Draculaura and Clawdeen ones but no Lagoona so I didnt get
one .
Hmv never had Will Wood cds whenever I go,,,,, but also in general at least where I live
other than Camp Here And There they seem to be out of stock lol.
The christmas decorations there were cool. I didn't get any photos when we got there though
and later on after we ate and stuff there were too many people for me to have been able to
take any clear shots lmao.
After we got the stuff from Kiko and looked around Uniqlo (they had a Mofusand collab on and
a cat shirt I liked but even in my size it was massive because of how it was done so I didn't
get it [broken heart] ), we went to Ichiba to look at the iffy collab and to just, look
around hahahah. I ended up getting some packs of gum that come with stickers and a diy candy
set for the next time Sal comes over or something like that. Idk it was fun last time . We
found some noodles I like(and the non-spicy version 4 my parents) and katsu so we got that
too. Me and my dad got sodas, I got the melon one I've had b4 and my dad got a grapefruit
one he ended up really liking. We got some other stuff there too but I can't really remembr
Mostly small things I think tho.
We didn't have breakfast because we left like, kinda early I guess and we had a lie in bcz
we weren't doing grocery shopping that weekend and we waited until 11am for their foodcourt
(????) thing to open. We both ended up having ramen and it was good. I've learnt this year
that I like pork slices(?) with really soft edges that just kinda melt in your mouth. They
are nice. I also had a bubble tea and mochi donut(you can see the meal and donut I had at
the top of this post lol) and they were good. My dad liked the donut which was neat.
Actually for some reason we were given the wrong one initially (。•́︿•̀。).We got the matcha
one but they have us a plain glazed one. I'm not really sure what happened there. It
definitly wasn't just me being bad at ordering stuff because I asked loud enough for him to
hear & he repeated the order just to verify, so he probably just pressed a button wrong or
something Σ(°ロ°) . It wasn't the worst thing in the world lol

Uh. On Saturday I'm going there with Sal for ice skating. I really hope it goes well and I
can talk a bit earlier on. (□_□)

5-12-2014 19:04

Uhm. It was break and I was telling Urja about how if I see Sal I'm dead and then,,, then they
said tehy saw him so I asked wehre and they said they just saw him walking off so I was like,,
curious and went to look and then turns out he was just putting his bag down around the corner
and was going to line up for the canteen like us and. And basically I was walking saw him
walking into the line where we were(we were at the very end) and when I saw him I did a double
ffffffffffff I feel bad. I didn't mean it in a bad way I just don't know what to do

11:15 5-12-2014

What the fuck is happening in South Korea

4-12-2014 8:54pm

Right now am in a regularrrr compsci lesson. Her first lesson back after being sick and we have to
do an asessment. Sigh. I got 80% I think. Idk better than most of my classsmates, especially considering
im not sure if we even learnt some of the stuff on that lmfao.

Since like 6th grade I've bee trying to get a diagnosis for my autism and its been a pain in the ass.
Hahahah. I decided to get it through the school, so I get a reffereal from my school onto the waiting
list. But I have a feeling preocedure may have changed or I was slightly misinformed(lied to if you
wanna b cynical).
Basically I was told I have a choice of either being reffered by the school or by going to a GP/doctors
and asking for them to reffer me. I don't really like going to the GP because there's always delays
and it took ages just for an appointment to have my hearing(????)/the ringing noise in my ear checked .
Oh and it got resheduled back by weeks and when we went to that first appointment we were waiting for
like what 1 and a half to two hours. I know its not their fault but it can be a little frustrating
sometimes and I just decided to go with school since I'm also at least familiar with some of the
people involved . Something like that.
Turns out the reason I haven't been making any progress with the school lately is because there was a
permission form my mom was meant to sign but she did and then they asked if she could send it to them
in a different format yada yada and she just,,,, forgot and said she thought my dad said he'd do it
when he never said that. The fuck.

Anyways, on the top of the permission form there was the name of some agency relavant to all this so I
looked them up and it seems to be the agency,(? repetitive wording or whatever i know but im not sure
what else to call them), and I found some more information that is really funny to me. Basically they
are 100% who the school is gonna reffer me to because thats the local body that deals with autism
diagnosis at least in those under 18. I was told that going through my school or going through
the GP would take the same amount of time but I'm honestly starting to doubt it. I checked their site's
page on specifically the diagnosis proccess with them and I'm pretty sure some of its already happened
with me(?). It mentions observing(iirc) talking to teachers and family, then talking to the person
themself. I know they've talked to some of myteachers I'm pretty sure , family I'm not entirely sure
they've talked to my mom but I can't remember what about, and I have been watched in lesson. It is very
hard to ignore a tall bald CAnadian man watching you in your history class when he's sitting a few rows
behind right next 2 ur classmate hahahah. Anyways,,,, it loks like to me that my school is either already
working with them or is trained by them, and in a few months I'm assuming I might get an appointment date
or something hopefully.
I'm writing this on notepad++ again so sorry if the formatting is a lil wack hahah

edit a few hours later,,,, its alost 6pm
Honestly the more I think about this the more frustrated I get,,,,, its been much more than a year and
not even a referral as far as I've been told,,, and that is as far as I've been told. God knows if my
mom just didn't bother to say something or something like that. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I dunno, its just frustrating,,,, that's all I can say. I wish things were moving faster but they aren't
and there's nothing I can do about that. It sucks and I can't do anything. Sigh. I try looking online
but all the resources are for adults who are seeking diagnosis or parents of young children. I don't
like the fact that I'm at a slightly awkward age for diagnosis where it was "missed" so-called in my
childhood but I'm also not old enough to do all of this independently right now. Honestly its so
annoying because all I can say is "oh I wish I was diagnosed earlier" or "oh I wish someone had picked
up on it" but people probsbly did and just,,,, dind't say anything or brushed it off.

At the end of the day the past is the past,, All I can do is accept it and try to make my future better

10:23. 29-11-2014

I forgot about the I/Me/Myself demo. Accidently just started listeining to it. Its not too bad lol.
Fine its good. After school tommorow there like a dance and music thing. We will be going but mostly
to mess around and walk around school after dark. We want to see if we can er,,,, Go into the ceiling
crawlspace above the sewing classroom. This is a computer science lesson right now, yet ANOTHER sub
lesson too lol. The work was suspiciously easy. To make a celcius to farenheight calculator and vice
versa, and then a program to add together two number veriable inputted by the user. Okay then. We have
German next period and its a room change and seeming sub lesson aswell with our techer helping the
10th graders with their speaking mocks.
God knows I'm not taking German for highschool lol. I'd be doing Spanish, Art, History and Computer
Recently I have been writing 福 in my notebook. Its always fu. Sigh. It was on a good luck charm of
We were on a school trip to the Zoo yesterday. It was actully fun lol.

I'm getting better at taking photos!!!!!
I can't fucking belive it isn't Friday jesus christ. On Saturday with grocery shopping we will go to
the Chinese supermarket. I wanna get seaweed and stuff for soup. Sweets too, noodles,,,, I'm not gonna
put a shopping list here lol. There's two bubble tea places near my home. One is t4, other is (er) a
different one. The other one has the rounder cups and their mango drink isthick and very mango-y. I
wanna get that drink again. It was really good and I have a coupon from last time that I might as well
use. Have not had many bubble teas that are like that. Hm. I got some postcards from the Zoo's gift
shop. I did one of them for my grandparents (a penguin one) and will send it over the weeekend. I might
get some extra stamps when wego tot he post office so I don't have to go there every time I wanna post
a letter lol.

21-11-2014 11:50 to 12:10.... why did this take a third hour

21/11/2014 11:45

Currently, I am in German class with a weird ass substitute
teacher. We also have had a room change to a computer room.
I believe this sub genuinly hates us. She just tried to call
another teacher on us because a girl was sitting in a chair
that is broken and doesnt go up like it is meant to. Sigh. I
WAS going to finish off my computer science work because I
couldn't last time, but NOOOOOOOOO this bitch keeps coming
over to look over evertones shoulders.
So alas, I am writing this in Notepad++. Because for some
reason the school pcs don't have the regular notepad. Idk man

We have a trip to the zoo tommorrow.(I know I know, we aren't
5, I do not know why we are going). The greatest tragedy of
this is having to wear school uniforms, but I'm gonna just
pack my blue coat with me and wear that instead of my blazer
coz its gonna be cold lol. I'll probably be brining my phone
both iPods and my camera with me.Ahaaaaaaaah Maybe a charging
pack too. Ehh. We have music next period. Me and my keyboard
partner made up a theme song and we're gonna practice it I
think. Thats gonna be cool. I've been getting better at the
keyboard and kinda better at singing too I think.
Oh yeah I got a second iPod. Its an iPod touch gen 5 in blue
Very awesome very cool. The battery life is kinda ass when
you have the screen on but it takes a few second to charge it
back up hahahah. So hence bringing the battery pack tommorrow.
Sal has a trip tmrw too. He's going to a dance studio [shock].

Okay I just copied this onto here why is the formatting so
weird fuck. Oh nvm it was my zoom lol.
I still love the rainbow text it looks so cool lol xP

9:03. 19-11-2014

It is computer sceince class but we have a sub. He is senile. I'm not sure if he even knows
where he is half the time. I will be going to the park after schoolo with Sal. Fun. I am
listening to music. Its Danger Days and I'm on track 04, Sing. He just came by and didnt notice
me listening to music lol. I'm using a fatboy nano(my beloved) and i have bright blue wire
earphones lmao. When I'm listening in lessons I usually tuck the wire up throught my shirt and
string it through my undershirt in such a way that it comes out of the collar of my shirt,next
to my neck and under a thick layer of hair you cannot see.
Why do I look so sad jesus no headphones ver
The drawing looks so funny, ITs kinda off because I was using a tiny pocket mirror to see how I
look right now, so forgive the har length being off and stuff like that.
I was meant to upload thislike, the day before yesterday I think but I was playing Roblox with
Sal and forgot to.
Some Damien and Edwin.
I'm still planning on working on that visual novel I started to make with them over my October ,
I think I wanna make the sprites for Osmond, Silas, Samael and probably someone else I'm
forgetting. I wanna make Damien more sprites actually. I like his current ones but he stands out
a lot and I think giving him some ordinary looking sprites too for certain moments would be rlly
I have like 15 minutes to finish off the cover work we were set. Oh well, Bye bye

9:58 the 15th day of the eleventh month

Hm. The paris trip for my school,,,,,,, want to go on it. Parents are fine and I can go if
it werent for the trip bring full. Fuck
Sort of hope that someone gets sick and has to drop out just before the trip (That has
happened quite a few times afaik). It would be fun to room with Sal on a school trip, and
there's a good chance we could go to the Louvre. I would really like to go.
A parcel came in through the mail today. I went to go see Kitty when I came home from school
and she was on my dad's bed. I saw a parcel and I was curious so looked and saw the label
saying it was from Japan and listing exactly what it is. It is the Tweek x Craig doujinshi
I asked for for Chrsitmas!!!! I have to wait a bit over a month to open it .will be worth it


I have had many things I've wanted to put here in the past couple of days I lie down I look at
the cieling and I think as I have not access to my computer and fuck coding on my phone i am
NOT doing that shit and then when I get to my computer after so beautifully describing things and
formatting in my head,,, I have forgotten it all. fuck all.
Brighton was fun - Halloween was fun,,,, want to spend the day with Sal just messing around again.
Probably over christmas break ice skating or Camden. Will check notebook checklist. Hahah.
It was fun it was fun

Oh also my dad was just on call with ciocia. She might visit during Christmas break. So cool. Kittys
never met her. Murka is doing well it seems. Sleepy beast
Have been listening to MSI again. Makes me want to jump,,,, yayyyy

20:50 tenth of November you know what year

I have been needing to revise for a math test. Have been looking at websites and
think Mathisfun/Mathopolis is ideal. Doesn't have any annoying videos tutuorials
with no text writeups and quizzes that explain it exactly. Will make a links and
resources page for my site later, for now just putting it here is easier for me.
MathIsFun This is the more. Fleshed out one I think. It has the
explanations and stuff.I think Mathopolis is mostly games

9-11-2014 16:58


8-11-2014 22:25

Another blog post on same day, will most likely stretch this writing to tommorow aswell.
Do not know how to feel. Its all complicated and my brains mush,,,It makes me sick
why did someone just moan in computer science excuse me. Do wires get you going???? Is Python THAT good>????

Sorry back to what I was going on about, I don't feel sick as in the way I find it
disgusting(lmao) more so I feel very physically sich. OR at least I did. Now I just feel
my heart beating and I get nervous. Maybe I'll spill soon or maybe I won't but you'd
probably have figured it out already. Jesus christ aw man .
Maybe one day I'll get over it but it does feel like I'm always gonna be awkward for that
first bit lol. I had things to say but I've forgotten and this is awkward. Check out my
blogspot or something idkkkkkk

the sixth to seventh of November. On the sixth almost 9pm,,,, on the 7th around 11:48 lmao

The votes "came in" apparently he won. Honestly I don't believe it. Fat pig.
and it seems like thers an insane aount of vote tampering going on.I'm not believing them.
On a more positive note, backstage wasn't as bad as i thought it would be today lol. We ended up aking fake
beards for (?) the actors, but I'm not entirely sure what roles . I was with AJ from the other class because
she like replaced someone else i was paired with because i dont really know people there and the ones i do know
were all grouped together. I wouldn't want to break them up. At teh end when we were all doing clean up Ms BM
asked me to align the chairs in the row I was in and stuff (for morning assemly tommorow assumedly, thank god
we havnt had assembly this week shits boring and useless). Did some other chairs as I was going along and she
said I could go home lo. She said thank you and said I was a star, and asked if I made any friends. She is nice
to me. Urvi was freaking out over Trump having a lead this morning. Bless .
8, almost 9pm the sixth of November the same year as last post

School has been interesting. I want to mostly stay unnoticed this year. Have sort of failed at
that already but will pretend that has never happened because it's annoying. HahahaH. Have been
back at school after being off for two weeks and have noticed theres a specific scent in the halls
at school. ? Uwahhhh. Can't explain it but its something. I have a History test tomtoow. Its open
book so theres no difficulty. Maybe I'll look up some stuff to read at lunch just before the test. I
probably wont though. lol . So far I've been doing much better at music than I have in the past two years.
The last year I'm taking music is the one where I'm actully participating and having fun, cool. I think
I'm really behind in math so I'll have to like study a bunch more for that I guess. I need to sleep better,
I sorta couldn't stop falling asleep at the very start of this year and last year in math. Mh. Anyways,
so far most of my teavhers are okay. My English teacher is okay. I find her a little bit irritating but I
just don't get her humor(find it funny). Its fine though its a taste thing, doesn't matter much. My math
teachers are interesting. The male one we have one each week is meh. Its really annoying he doesn't want us
to take our blazers off until after he takes register and says we can because its hot as hell sometimes and
couldn't keep my head up during a lesson where I'm at the front of the class. lol. He looks just like Mr
Mackey from South Park but his hair loss is in the opposite pattern. The female teavher who we have 2/3
lesson per week is better, she seems to care more I guess but she's pulled me outside twice during lessons
to ask if I'm okay or if theres like an issue or if theres a reason why I can't concentrate or something.
I dunno man. .。・゚゚・(>_<)・゚゚・。. sorry. Ahhhhhhhhh. There was a Math test but apparently
it wasn't a "real" test and was just for our teachers to gauge how we're doing . It was like the last week
of our last term I think. I was crying since breaktime to just before we had that test, so like 11:55ish to
4th period. It wasn't fun and I couldn't focus in Physics and i missed out on learning this graph thing i
need to know. I had a really bad headache . xPPPPPP I still need to learn that graph thingy, one of my
classmates tried to help me with it last lesson, I kinda get it but I need to look at more explanations and
stuff so I'm not just doing a poor copy of what she tried to explain to me. Er. I can't remmember what I
was gonna put here. I'll probably format this tomorow after school. (,・ˍ・、)
I signed up and started to do backstage stuff for my school's play this year. I'm not sure why I did and its
not very fun. The only reason I have is because it looks good on my school resume thing or whatever, and it
mkaes my parents happy to hear about that I'm doing it and stuff I guess. Mh. Right now we've been painting
the big wall set thingys white . Its a few layers and we have to wait for the paint to dry. if we don't wait
then the dark paint from the backgrounds that were painted for last year's play mixes with the white we're
doing. And it gets mixed and grey and its really annoying I guess. Work on the production finishes in like
February. MY god I don't know why I'm doing this the only peopple I know on the production that are woking
in the same department are two girls from my class that I don't know that great but we're on friendly terms
like classmates who only talk here and there. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. God.
5-11-2014 8pm somthing. It's Tuesday

Decided to make this page beacause I think it would be funny. Maybe I will start keeping a diary.
I already have a notebook i carry around(need to replace it in a month or two lol) and write things
down in there. Fun. I'll probably use an atypical a5 notebook if i do use a diary. Weeeeeeh. anyways .
Actully my blogspot is better for this. fun
