Walk away/to


Welcome to my Dollpage!

Hello Hello!!!! Right now this page is mostly for my porcelain dolls ^_^

Lil dude

He was my first male(porcelain) doll lol. When I got
him I was coming home from a new haircut and he looked
exactly like me if not whiter (hahahah)

Polish dolls

These are dolls in traditional Polish dress. The ones on
the left and right are in traditional Kraków dress and
the one in the middle is in Białystok/Podłaskie dress
I really wanted to get the six inch dolls with Podłaskie
dress but the cultural store didn't have any since I assume
people from Białystok would want dolls with their cultural
clothes lol. Don't have any issue with having the Kraków dolls
though since my Babcia and her family are from there.


The two large dolls I got for arounf six bucks each and
I got them at the same thriftstore after school the day
before we had our flight to Poland in 2024.

The two little ones I got from a pay-per-kilo store next
to my Babcia and Dziadeks home (*≧ω≦*) I think the tiny
one is really funny looking. The best way I can describe
him is as looking "constipated" lol. I do like how he is
palm sized hahahah.

Small(er) dolls

I can't really remember where the smaller one is from
but I think she was from the same place as the red one,
might've gotten them at the same time???????????.
Remember cleaning dolls and having to cut half of tiny
green one's hair off because was too far gone to brush
out to smooth


I got her after school, there was another doll but she
was bought by somebody that moring (°ㅂ°╬) ( ╥ω╥ )
The other doll I didn't get to see up close but she had
a pink frock of some sort.
The waistcoat that Claudia is wearing was made by my
great-babcia(grandma). I really like the embroidery
done with seed beads on it, and I wanna do more stuff
like that too (。•́︿•̀。)( ´ ω ` )
Oh! Also she's named Claudia after the IWTV character
, I have a fondness for this doll and I'm not sure why
I think her face looks like that of somebody I know.

Pretty girl and EUGH

I really like this doll with the pink dress. I think
her face and clothes are quite nice. I got her from
the same place at the same time as the boy. I was at
first excited to have another boy doll but now I am
moreso "meh" on him. So originally I thought these two
were part of a pair but I was mistaken lol. She's
clearly much larger than him and thier sculpts are
really different. I thought his head was movable but
it just isn't. like, whatsoever. He's stuck like that
(ಠ‿ಠ) m(_ _;m)
At first I thought his face sculpty was nice but after
taking photos last ???? idk Sunday or smth I have come
to the conclusion that he is rather ugly, at least by
himself. Sigh. I think it's pretty clear from his pose
and stuff that he's most likely part of a pair but I
have absolutely no idea what company he's from or what
doll completes his pair.╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭ σ( ̄、 ̄〃)

white face

She is one of my favourites (*≧ω≦*)
This doll is from my babcia and I have literally no
clue where she's from (hahahah)
My dad thinks her skin is blue, the porcelain used
for her is definitly white , she might just look blue
in my room because the walls are purple (light reflection
yada,yada) and she's usually in slighty darker corners
than the other dolls seeing as she has a completely soft
body other than hands and feet, and she's possibly
weighted if I remember correctly so she can sit.
quite a few of my porcelain dolls come with stands and
stuff since they're more akin to collectors figurines than
dolls for whatever reason, but she's defiitively built for
play lol.
She is one of my "stranger" dolls, just based off of the
fact she literally has pure white skin with no pigment mixed
in, and something I find pretty funny is the hair used for
her fringe is actully a different material from the rest of
her hair! Over time it's turned a very particular shade of
green (oxidisation????) whilst the rest of her hair is still
a marron-brown lol.

Tall blue tall green

These two were my first porcelain dolls lol.
they're nice I guess.
Eh. They're like, okay to me nowadays .
idk man. they're nice but not the best


She is the third/last of the original trio of porcelain
dolls I got.


She has a tag on her left hand which is nice so I can see
what name she was given lol.
She also has ice skates

rose dress thing

Her eyes are funny as shit to me not gonna lie.
Her stand is kinda awful tbh, she can't stand all that
well but at least the base is wood????. Her dress cracks
me up because theres a single red rose on her big ass

Doll with bag

I was waiting at my busstop after school one day in sixth
grade and saw a few dolls in the window of a thrift store
behind the busstop. I liked this one because she had a
crossbody bag which now and at the time none of my other
dolls had so I thought she would be a neat addition to my
collection, she was like 6 bucks.

Human hair

I am pretty sure she has actual real human hair.
I dunno, I was taking all my dolls down to photograph
them for this page and her hair felt really???? soft
It just feels like real human hair y'know. That's my
favourite thing about her (hahahah)

The transmasc

He too is from babcia, I ended up having him February
2023 when we went to visit for start of year winter
(hard to explain -.- ). Felt a fondness for him
because gives transmasc vibes to me. Will not elaborate
right now. I'm writing this whilst it's like a gajillion
degrees okay. Also a little funny to not explain here

Italian doll I got in
Poland from Babcia

She is cool and I put some flowers I pressed in the crook
of hr arm. I got those flowers from some trees in my school's
courtyard/outside it and put them in my pocket notebook, and
then put them into a watercolor sketchbook that I have at home.
the flowers came out kinda rippled because of the paper texture
,,,, probably partially because the paper was unstretched hahah

Personally she's a nice doll and is kept on the large bookshelf
in my room.
She is also from Babcia